Friday 3 May 2024

I spy

In the late '60s there was a late-night TV drama that I used to watch, starring Bob Culp playing a tennis pro and Bill Cosby as his coach. They travelled the world, a-spying. This struck me at the time as a pretty unlikely cover story, but the backchat between the two was quite amusing. My only memory of it involved the two trapped in some kind of storeroom and making an improvised bomb ...

<parenthesis reason="neologism not yet coined">
(this was long before the term "IED" had been coined)
</parenthesis> of whose ingredients was the dry ice used to preserve fresh fish. One of the two was unimpressed by the prospect of this thing working, and poured scorn on his partner's 'cod-fish bomb'...

 <tangent importance-quotient="0">
I forget which, but in my mind's eye I can see Bill Cosby saying it; Bob Culp was the one full of wacky ideas and Bill Cosby was the world-weary sceptic.
(Cosby played Gromit to Culp's Wallace)


Not only was it, I thought, an unlikely cover story, but a pretty implausible story-line. 

But the other day I was invited to a talk given by Professor Chris Andrew, a meteorically rising young  (when I first knew him – ten years older than me) Fellow of Corpus and fellow (lower case this time) member of the Gravediggers (a Corpus play-reading society...


I know it should be d'éscalier, but as I've said before if a conceit is worth anything it's worth doing properly. This non-existent mark-up language...
(incidentally this ["mark-up language"] accounts for all the other       -MLs you may have come across: HTML,  SGML,  XML... and so on [there are dozens]. Mark-up languagers use tags to control the way different bits of text are displayed in various sorts of document [for example, print in a range of formats, help text, other sorts of online text...] This makes it possible for one source document to produce several outputs.)

...would surely have a compiler that would return an error and probably (in the best traditions of computing) fall down in a heap if it found punctuation or diacritics in a tag; that sort of character is often, in geek-speak, "reserved".

 Oh I get it. Corpus/corpse. It's only taken me 50 years...

... of which I was the Hon Sec. We met once a term, port and rich-tea biscuits), thst sort of thing. Very Cantabrigian.

One evening I remember a last-minute (pre email, of course) change of venue necessitated a notice in Old Court, decorated with a picture of this provender. A passing worthy added words designed to shame us lotus-eaters by referring to some current horror (probably the Wollo famine): '1 bottle of port would give an Ethiopian family... etc etc'. Not a whit abashed (I 've always wanted to write that) a fellow Gravedigger wrote 'Let them, drink Coke'. Happy days.

The latest in the good Professor's oeuvre (he is the pre-eminent historian in matters of British espionage) starts:














 I wonder if this is where John Le Carré got the idea for the expression 'the Circus'. The introduction goes on:

This strange story put in mind of I Spy.  But the idea of using a form of entertainment as a cover for espionage is not a twentieth-century thing. The intoduction later reads:

But if you want to know the rest of the story (and read all those footnotes, which don't lead anywhere in these screen grabs) you'll have to read the book. That's my lot for tonight.



Update: 2024.05.11.16:15– Added PS


In the late 1970s and well into the 1980s many IT professionals were working to standardize a markup language ultimately called SGML Some time in the mid-1980s, all the is and ts were respectively dotted and crossed, ducks were aligned, etc when somebody (one of the contributing partners, who – according to colleagues fabled to be in the know in matters relating to standards bodies – wanted to spike DEC's guns, knowing how nearly market-ready they were [the developers, that is, not the guns]), said "Woah! Wouldn't it be cool if we...?" At this point the bean-counters at DEC, who'd spent years signing away serious money on R&D (and standards work...

(which involved, among other things, international travel
– in the days when 'man-bags' were unusual, it was well-known in the Reading engineering community that a sure-fire means of identifying a standards person was that they always had such a bag, so that they could high-tail it to Heathrow at the drop of a hat)
....) said "No; we go to market with what we've got". So VAX DOCUMENT was born, based on SDML; I used it for a good 15 years, topping and tailing this work with other (sometimes, more or less WYSIWYG...
(but starting
with DEC Standard Runoff, which was far from it)
...) writing tools, but always returning to VAX DOCUMENT when there was real heavy-lifting to be done.

Later I was studying for an Open University diploma in software engineering, which introduced me to XML. This is a very flexible system that allows the user to define their own tags and their possible values, which are specified in a Document Type Definition (which explains the abbreviation "DTD" that users of HTML may recognize from the first line of an HTML file...

(that is, a 'well-formed' HTML file, as they insist on saying in the standards world. Many...

Correction: all browsers. HTML was conceived as an all-purpose display engine; but in its common use there is usually one DTD (general-puposed online text) which can therefore remain implicit. An explicit DTD is needed only for particular screen shapes and sizes (and, of course, for "well-formedness").


...browsers silently assume a suitable DTD even if an HTML file is not well-formed.

.... On one occasion, I was writing to my tutor and jokingly used a pair of these pseudo tags (something like

<apology type="lateness"; explanation="failure of backups">

I'm afraid my assignment will be late because....


). I found the device useful and, once you've got it, it makes documents easier to scan – by clarifying the extent  of a long parenthesis and making embedded parentheses easier to make sense of. So ever since then (late 1999 or early 2000) I have taken to using it freely.


Update: 2024.05.16.11:15 – Added <INLINE-PPS />


Sunday 28 April 2024

TERF Accountancy


The Guardian's was among the many media reports of the kerfuffle caused by...

(or rather shortly before  according to the analysis in the latest episode of More or Less; the blurb says: 
The Cass Review is an independent report on the state of gender identity services for under-18s in England’s NHS. It found children had been let down by a lack of research and "remarkably weak" evidence on medical interventions in gender care. But before it was even released, claims were circulating online that it ignored 98% of the evidence in reaching its conclusion. Is that claim true?~   

... a paroXysm (formerly known as "a tweet"... 

(It's a great shame, I feel, that "Twitter" became [Mus]"X" [Folly]. The image of the little blue bird reminded me of the etymology of the word "gazette":

 I like that 'false chatter' {and give yourself a Brownie point if you noticed the link between this bird and Rossini's opera}.

... the Report that led to Dr Cass receiving "vile abuse" and being advised not to use public transport.

The doctor behind a landmark review of the NHS’s gender identity services for children and young people has said fears had been raised about her personal safety amid online abuse after the report’s release.

Dr Hilary Cass told the Times she wished to address the “disinformation” circulating about the findings and recommendations handed down by the Cass review when it was published on 10 April.... 

She said she had received online abuse in the wake of the report and had been advised to stop using public transport.

That More or Less report held that the first exhortation to ignore the Cass report on the grounds that it 'discounted 98% of the research' was a ridiculous assertion somewhere between a gross over-simplification and a lie; at any rate [to quote Doctor Cass in various press reports, and – of course – More or Less] it was disinformation [presumably aimed at smearing her as a 'Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist').                                                    

Os retornados

I've been listening to Jon Snow's fascinating Portugal's Carnation Revolution, in which he looks back at the events of 1975 – which he reported on as a young reporter working at the time for LBC. The programme ended with a report of the feelings of the people who had left former Portuguese colonies rather than live with the revolutionary governments.
<autobiographical-note relevancy="0">
Less than two years before, I had spent the summer enrolled in a summer course at the Universidade de Coimbra. In those largely pre-wheeled-luggage days ...
Bernard D. Sadow developed the first commercial rolling suitcase by applying for the rolling luggage patent, which was officially known as; United States patent 3,653,474 for “Rolling Luggage”, in 1970. Two years later in 1972 Bernard D. Sadow was given the wheeled suitcases patent, which became successful. A number of people (not men, for some reason – it's almost as if women made up for relative physical weakness [on average] by using their brains. It took a man to cash in on the idea though.)

 ...I was struck, on a day-trip to Lisbon, by the sight of a native of one such colony ...

It's just struck me that it's normal  for commentators to refer to 'First Nation peoples' in America and Australasia, but I haven't met the usage in Africa – ironic in view of the fact that Africa's where humanity got started. (Maybe it's just that I don't move in the right circles though...).

... hurrying through the main station at Lisbon with a suitcase skilfully balanced on her head.

(Predominantly) white colonials who had returned (os Retornados...

[known unfortunately but inevitably, as 'the Returnees'...

I feel a certain antipathy to neologisms ending -ee that don't derive from pseudo-reflexives such as s'échapper (escapee) or se refugier (refugee). "Retiree" and "Attendee" make my stomach churn. I know this is silly; it's just me. In defence ...

Yes dammit: Add to dictionary.
...of "returnee", return is, as my French master M. Baring-Gould used to say un verbe de déplacement, and would therefore (if it were French) take être in the Passé  Composé. But I digress.


...) found it hard to fit into the homeland's cultural background. In the colonies,   there was a more relaxed dress-code, it was not unusual for women to smoke, and there were other restrictions not yet relaxed after nearly 50 years' dictatorship that Portugal was recovering from (some petty, some less so): at first., even Coca Cola was banned).  I experienced the old regime (under what was ironically called o Estado Novo) in 1973.
I was briefly in thrall to a fellow guest at the Pensão Alentejana. One evening we were walking la main dans la main (as tous les garçons et les filles de [notre] âge used to do – after all, she was French (though not Sylvie Vartan) – and were stopped by a policeman who wanted to know if we were married. It took a few years for such a culture to relax.

At first, it was feared that the influx of hundreds of thousands of returnees would be crippling for Portugal. A confidential CIA memo dated September 1974 (approved for release in 2005) warned:

But according to one person interviewed in Jon Snow's report many historians now hold that the successful integration of os retornados and the new economic and cultural innovations they brought with them account for the ultimate success of this almost bloodless coup.

Portugal's Carnation Revolution is well worth a listen.

But that's all for now. I must go and wrestle with my conscience about using the pressure washer – which the people at Greenredeem take a dim view of.


Thursday 18 April 2024

CRM and Punishment


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy that companies use to manage interactions with customers and potential customers. CRM helps organisations streamline processes, build customer relationships, increase sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability. 


There are of course many software packages, and (in this smartphone-centric ...

I heard on the radio this morning of a restaurant in Verona that is offering a free bottle of wine to diners who agree to relinquish their
mobile phones for the duration.   The man on Radio 3 didn't – as is his wont attribute this  snippet of news, but I found it in this piece in Monday's Guardian:

An Italian restaurant is offering a free bottle of wine to customers who relinquish their mobile phones during meals.

Angelo Lella, the owner of Al Condominio, a restaurant that opened in the northern city of Verona in March, said the aim was to encourage diners chat to each other instead of constantly glancing at their phones.

“We wanted to open a restaurant that was different from the others,” he said. “So we picked this format – customers can choose to renounce technology while enjoying a convivial moment together. Technology is becoming a problem – there is no need to look at your phone every five seconds, but for many people it is like a drug … This way they have an opportunity to put it aside and drink some good wine.”

Her words 'like a drug' have a basis in fact. I believe the same dopamine receptors are involved in drug dependency and mobile dependency, and I suspect similar physical withdrawal symptoms affect both – FFS as they used to say in the standards world: 'for further study'.

...brave new world) apps that provide support for CRM,

The NHS must be using one such package, as this experience attests: last week I was at the Royal Marsden for a check-up involving a short consultation preceded by a blood test. The phlebotomist was chatty and friendly, and after giving her my name I added 'People usually call me "Bob".'

After she'd done her stuff I went back to the waiting area to settle in for my usual hour or two's wait. But before I had even sat down a nurse called for "Bob Knowles" (not the usual "Robert" of that ilk). The phlebotomist must have had a CRM app open at the entry for "Robert Knowles" and filled in the (previously blank) "Preferred common name" field. And later the same day I received a letter addressed to "Bob". From now on I fear I'll always be "Bob" in all contexts, formal or informal. I question whether this 'improve[s] customer service'.

All Trussed Up

Earlier this week I listened to the Liz Truss interview on Newscast. This was met in the Newscast section of Discord with the foreseeable anti-Truss reception (much of which I agree with). One among many was this:

At the time I agreed. I felt that her veiled accusations against other actors in the incredible financial shambles  that accompanied her 7 weeks' Reign of Error were simply indicative of her child-like inability to admit that she had screwed up flamboyantly.

But later in the week I came across Robert Peston and Steph McGovern's 3-part piece in The Rest Is Money blog, entitled...
(and spare me from the 'titled' nonsense – I've explained elsewhere [that's the first of many whinges] why that suits the social background of American English; old fuddy-duddy that I am I'm sticking to my British English guns [flintlocks though they may be]).

...'Who Killed Liz Truss?' Unarguably she made several gross missteps (I initially wrote 'miscalculations', but decided that that was giving her too much credit for strategic thinking), but it turns out that her finger-pointing at other culpable participants in the tragi-comedy/farce was to some extent justified.

So. unlike that contributor on Discord (who couldn't bear a second listen) I did go back and listen to the Truss interview again, giving her credit for not taking all the blame.

 But this has gone on long enough, and the lawn is crying out for attention.



Thursday 11 April 2024

Qualis artifex

Meet the Roman Emperor with Mary Beard. broadcast earlier this week referred to the words attributed to the Emperor Nero just before his suicide:

Qualis  artifex pereo

'What an artist dies [in me]'

 – or, as it is more often quoted (rather fancifully. I think, here, for example) 'What an artist the world is losing'. 

I may have some across this at school, but in 1978 (as I was working at the time on the 3rd edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations) it was at the forefront of my mind as I checked all the Latin entries.

And Mary Beard's reference reminded me of a bon mot of mine, one of which I am inordinately (unreasonably? at any rate, typically) proud; arguably it was my meilleur mot. I've cast a fair few pearls before a fair few swine in my time, but in this case I could be sure of my audience, Richard Brain (RIP), an erudite classicist and friend; also,  at the time, my boss.

After my time in London, working as an assistant on ODQ, I moved to Oxford in 1979 to work as Editorial Assistant to Richard. I was writing a report on an unsolicited proposal (not yet a full manuscript) dealing with the Emperor Nero, written by a man named Perowne.
I imagine the risk of a libel action is minute, but as his name is crucial I think it's worth taking anyway.
Some of the ideas in it were interesting, but I had my doubts about his prose style. In the last line of my report I said we must ask ourselves the question  Qualis artifex Perowne(LITTLE THINGS...)
<tangent type="more OUP larks">
one of my better efforts, I think, rivalling the rhyme '...eponymous hero/...anonymous Pierrot' (especially apt as it was sung by Peter Pan, and Pierrot is a diminutive of Pierre).

The first programme in the Mary Beard series started with a description of  a dinner laid on by   Domitian in a room whose walls were painted black. This was presented as part of a ghoulish joke. I'm sure the Professor was right, although it's an interesting coincidence that the new find unearthed (unashed?) at Pompeii features a banqueting hall with black walls.

The black room is the latest treasure to emerge from the excavation, which started 12 months ago - an investigation that will feature in a documentary series from the BBC and Lion TV to be broadcast later in April.


(And on the subject of Pompeii, anyone who's so inclined is welcome to do some background reading in this old post of mine.)

Gotta go, Grass needs cutting before a jaunt to North Yorkshire.


<rantette type="ps">
I wonder what genius at Wokingham Borough Council, or  the recycling contractor, or  maybe a committee involving both, came up with the scheme that requires  a wheelie bin not to be emptied  unless it is displaying an easily-removable sticker (costing £86.00). They might as well insist on  an unsealed envelope sellotaped to the bin containing the money, marked

WDC welcomes careful sneak thieves

To give them their due, they were quick to replace the missing sticker, but what's to stop the same thing happening again? (And I'm sure I can whistle for a rebate to cover the collection not made.)


Thursday 4 April 2024

Shameless plug no. 2

I wrote No. 1 more than eight years ago, when the Wokingham Choral Society was giving a concert that included three pieces that I'd sung before. This time there's only one piece I know I've sung before, though as the programme involves madrigals and I have sung several before...

In 1979 I was working with the rump of the OUP General Division (don't ask) who had not yet migrated from London to Oxford – mostly a small team working on the 3rd edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations and the Early Music department. Both these teams were focused on books to be published to coincide with the quincentenary celebrations.

'500 years of publishing at Oxford' [not all OUP, but still...]

The music book was the Oxford Book of English Madrigals, and at the launch party there was a performance of some of the songs in it, given by a group of singers from that London outpost. Many years later I was in the Reading u3a Madrigals group.

...I expect a lot of the music in this concert to be familiar.


When I was looking out the music for the main piece, John Rutter's The Sprig of Thyme I found between its pages the programme from  the last time I sang it, in 1999.

<autobiographical-note type="prescript">

In an earlier blog I wrote of the main piece in that 1999 concert:

A good few years ago, I sang (not with my present choir) Howard Blake's Song of St Francis. The setting was mid-late 20th century, but the text was by St Francis of Assisi, written in whatever Italic dialect he spoke – Umbrian of the 13th century, probably.  But saying it was written in that dialect is an oversimplification. Vulgar Latin had various different substrates – whatever medium of spoken communication underlay it – throughout Romania (in the historical sense of 'that part of the world that was directly influenced by the Romans'). St Francis may have thought (if he thought about it at all) he was writing Latin. Strongly influenced as his life was by Latin texts, it is probably a rather Latinate form of his dialect.

Anyway, speculation like that is something I left behind 40-odd years ago...

(The rest of that post is quite fun though I says it as shouldn't including a speculation about Respighi and the Doppler Effect, but I'll leave it to interested parties, if there are any, to do the necessary clicking.)

Anyway, the point is that the programme includes a translation of that 13th century text, signed "RJK". I don't remember doing it, but it must have been me.


Enough, or as they say in Portugal Chega!

Must tell Alastair Campbell, whose The Rest is Politics podcast is great fun, how to pronounce the Portuguese party  of that name.

It promises to be a charming concert. Don't miss it.


Monday 1 April 2024

The forensic arena

In Tuesday's The Life Scientific Dr Sheila Willis, a forensic scientist...

Jim Al Khalili used the term "forensics" before Dr Willis said she disapproved of it as 'meaningless' She had the good grace not to correct him, and he (as far as I noticed – though it's not a nit I'm particularly keen to pick)...

<american-trait status="query">
These two dictionary excerpts suggest that 'forensics' as shorthand for 'forensic science' is more common in American English,

Anerican Heritage Dictionary

Collins Engllish Dictionary

And the Google Ngram Viewer confirms this:
American English
In American English, 'forensics' is nearly always the commoner form, while in British English the form 'forensic science' was preferred until the early years of the twenty-first cemtury.

British English

Then it is quickly overtaken by 'forensics', which has a sudden steep rise in fortune. (Incidentally, the TV series CSI – Crime Scene Investigators first appeared in the early years of the millennium. Just saying.)
...  didn't repeat the error (?slip?bone of contention'/???).
...was reflecting on the derivation of the word 'forensic' – from the Latin forensis (='pertaining to the market place or forum, public, out of doors'). The  point of forensic experts is that they have to present  their analysis for all to see.
Link with 'autopsy' (= 'see for yourself').

Jim Al-Khalili ...
<parenthesis fivolity-quotient="5">
(who I can never listen to without imagining his evil twin, Midge Acidid {'Midge' doesn't look like the polar opposite of 'Jim', but looked at in terms of phonemes {natch} it's a palindrome: /mɪʤ/ versus /ʤɪm/ . See? Stark raving sane.
...asked her to contrast this sort of presentation with the sort of acacdemic situations that experts are usually called on to speak in. And she said 
The court is certainly a very different arena from the scientific conference mainly because the adversarial system is designed in such a way as to... undermine your opponent; that's the nature of the game....

<etymological aside>
I doubt if she knew how appropriate the word 'arena' was in the context of an adversarial system. You can't get much more adversarial than gladiators  (not the Spandex and greasepaint sort with a capital G, but the Roman sort who actually spilled blood). And so that the blood of the previous fight wouldn't interfere with the spectacle of the next, the fighting area was covered with sand (Latin arena).

In the same way that a covering (in this case, sand) became – by the magic of metonymy –  a word refering to the whole fighting area, a fallen boxer 'hits the canvas'. Maybe not, though. The arena is the ring, not the canvas. Still, there's a link there somewhere...

<//etymological aside> 

Westminster Diary 

We understand that there's no truth in the rumour that Rishi Sunak plans to replace the KCMG with the KChNG (pronounced Ker-ching)..

That's all. There's a break in the clouds, and it's time I got out.


Sunday 24 March 2024

Down the rabbit hole

 A recent question in the UsingEnglish forum has got me thinking about the expression 'down the rabbit hole'; and, predictably enough, that's where I've gone.

'Down  the rabbit hole' - the wilderness years and sudden rise

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the source of the quote, was published in 1865, but apart from a few uses in the later years of the twentieth century it didn't take off until the turn of the millennium. And then the curve rose steeply. Why was that?

Most social media apps started in the new millennium, with one or two early starters in the '90s, and they were very good at spreading, misinterpreting, and amplifying wacky ideas. In the BBC podcast/Radio 4 programme  Things Fell Apart  (now in its second series) Jon Ronson looks at some of the results  (interestingly, if you can tolerate his voice – which for me is quite trying).
Later in that UsingEnglish discussion an alternative interpretation of the phrase was
mooted – if that's the word...
(more like ASSERTED, it seems to me; but I take it in my stride, as ever.  I'll not rise to it)
... in which  it refers simply to a series of digressions. But I think a more  useful interpretation of the phrase involves threads of an argument getting further and further away from reality (or, as Alice thought, "curiouser and curiouser".)

Anyway, it looks as though the expression "down the rabbit hole"  took off at about  the same time as the rise of social media – not that correlation has to imply causation. It seems plausible though. And I'd hazard a guess that very few of the users of this expression have any idea of its provenance.

But another issue turned up in my investigations – the appearance of a similar expression. but with "a" rather than "the".

The version with "a" is less than half as common as the version with "the". This makes sense, as "down a rabbit hole" invites a definition (such as "where black equals white amd white black').

But the Google Ngram Viewer makes it possible to focus the search on American/British English, and this shows an ineresting difference in usage: whereas in American English the version with just "a" is about a third as common as the "the" version, in British English it is well over half as common.
I have said elsewhere that there may be a subjective/dubious argument behind the AE/BE distinction, but in this case it seems to me that it is probably simply geographic.

Enough of this, or as Wordworth put it in The Tables Turned
Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books;
Or surely you'll grow double:
Up! up! my Friend, and clear your looks;
Why all this toil and trouble?


I see The Times Feedback column has had to resurrect the Great Referendums Debate, a perennial so hardy that it merits capitals just as much as l'Affaire Dreyfus.

I addressed this issue in a post so old that a crucial link is now dead. So here it is again, in new words: English doesn't have to follow the rules of Latin grammar (as that Feedback column points out). But even if it did, Latin grammar requires that a gerund (which referendum is – an abbreviation of referendum ad populum [= 'the putting of a question to the people']) HAS NO PLURAL:

I. The Gerund 

The Gerund is a verbal noun, always active in force. The infintive of the verbs supplies the nominative case: Legere est difficile = To read is difficult (reading is difficult) The other cases are formed by adding -nd- to the present stem of the verb (-iend- for 3rd conjugation I-stems and all 4th conjugation verbs), plus the neuter singular endings of the second declension. The Gerund has no plural [my emphasis]. 


 In an update to another post I wrote:

There are in principle four cases, each of which could have its own word:

  • referendum (one of these things)

  • referendums (two or more of these things)

  • referenda (on the analogy of "agenda", a list of questions to be put to the people; to be clear, the usage would be "a referenda")

  • referendas (two or more such lists)

Fortunately we don't live in a world where this could ever work.👺


Some dictionaries (unaccountably) say that referenda is an acceptable plural "in formal contexts", but it being simply wrong both in English grammar and in Latin grammar – I don't see why formal contexts call for a display of ignorance.


Sunday 10 March 2024

As similar as so-and-so

In Saturday's Feedback section of The Times Rose Wild was (as quite often) saying 'Nothing to see here. Both versions are acceptable; calm down  everybody'.  And she cites a few Google searches to justify her equanimity.

A correspondent had objected to the phrase 'dull as dishwater', holding that the phrase should be 'dull as ditchwater' and that the 'dishwater' version was wrong. The columnist said it was all much of a muchness: '"Ditchwater" and "dishwater" have been interchangeably dull for more than 100 years.'

The Google Ngrams Viewer more or less confirms her position: 'dull as ditchwater' used to be the commoner, but recently there's no strong tendency either way – if anything, the trend is in favour of 'dull as dishwater':

The case for interchangeability

But that Viewer also lets you specify whether you are interested in British English or American English, and those results tell a different story.

In the one for American English there is a preference for the 'ditchwater' version until about the beginning of the Second World War, followed by a period of mixed fortunes for about twenty years, and then – since about 1960 – there is an increasingly strong preference for the 'dishwater' version. And since about 2010 the two have been diverging, with 'dishwater' waxing and 'ditchwater' waning:

The state of the nation

I wonder why. The recent (strong) preference for 'dishwater" might suggest some environmental explanation: could there be fewer ditches in the USA? Of course not. 
(Although I suppose there may be fewer miles of ditch per unit area or per capita, because of the distribution of farmland...? Perhaps I'm overthinking this.)
Besides, 'ditchwater' was the preferred comparator for over 100 years before that.

Meanwhile, in the Ngram for British English there is a marked preference for the 'ditchwater' version throughout the two phrases' coexistence, though the 'dishwater' version seems to have had a growth spurt after the war: in 1945 it was about ten times less common than the 'ditchwater' version, but by the time the Ngrams data runs out 'dishwater' has risen to about two thirds of the level of 'ditchwater'.

So it's tempting to conclude that the many contributors to The Times's online Comments (which I don't have access to) who decried 'dull as dishwater' as an error were sticklers for British English.

A preference for ditchwater

Of course this all depends on how the Google Ngrams people define 'British/American English'. There's a whiff of the No true Scotsman ...
'No true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.'
'But what about N?'
'He can't be a true Scotsman.'
'Why not?'
'Because no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.'
...fallacy here. A lot of self-styled Guardians of the King's English call a lot of things 'American English' although they have strong and healthy roots in British English.
When I worked at OUP (whose house style was to use -ize endings where there was an option...
(This is a crucial proviso, 'televize' is just wrong [and 'analyze' is an abomination – though admittedly {not to say lamentably} standard in some parts of the world]. Many innocent bystanders are caught in the zeal for 'modernizing' spellings by making s-endings zs)
....) Professor Richard Cobb, a Francophile who wrote chiefly about things French (and in French there is no -izer option for -iser verbs), had a dispensation.
I doubt if their present  editorial policies (presumably more automated and unbending than they were in the more humane [some would say wet] 1980s) would allow this if he were writing today.

He alone among OUP authors was allowed to use '-ise' spllings. His editors knew this, but other departments (publicity, production etc.) occasionally caused friction by 'correcting' his aberrant ss.

In a previous post  I wrote: 
In a UsingEnglish discussion many years ago on this sadly common issue I wrote
There's nothing unBritish about the spelling 'apologize'. It has been the house style of The Times for well over a hundred years, and is used by many large and influential publishers (Oxford University Press, for example). I'm tired of being accused of flirting with modernity and excessive American influence, just because I use a spelling that millions of British people use (so long as they haven't been got at by generations of school-teachers peddling misinformation).

That may have been true of The Times at the time of writing, but 'the times they are a-changin'. A few cases of '-ize' pass the scrutiny of the subs' eyes - especially when there is a strong etymological justification - as in the case of 'baptize' (where there is a zeta rather than a sigma in the original Greek); but fewer and fewer. 


But I suspect the Google Ngrams definitions of British and American English are purely geographic.


Later in the column she writes about her use of the expression 'carloads of cash', which had prompted a correspondent (who obviously has too much time on his hands) to point out that the usual metaphor for an inordinate amount was 'shedloads'. 'I'm not sure why I opted for carloads' she writes. Well  I have a possible answer: alliteration. And alliteration explains the popularity of 'dull as di...hwater'. Many other similes (most? Discuss) are alliterative– 'bold as brass', 'cool as a cucumber', 'dead as a dodo/doornail', 'fit as a fiddle', 'good as gold', 'hungry as a hunter'...

<admission-of-defeat type="alphabetical">
(And speaking of defeat, who does Pope Francis think he is – Pius XII? But I digress...)
J has me foxed, and I suspect that the second half of the alphabet is less fruitful, so I'll go on to a few digraphs.

'cheap as chips', 'thick as thieves'... (there must be more: where's Brewer when you need it?) 

But that's enough for the time being.


Update: 2024.03.12.19:50 – Added Pius XII link

Sunday 3 March 2024

A quickie...

 ... at least, that's the plan...

A few months ago, a Vodafone ad assailed my ears with the apparently meaningful (but it's up to the listener to put 2 and 2 together) line 'if you're out of contract you could be out of pocket". Hmm...? If you're out of pocket you end up with less money than you should after a deal; you don't pay more than you need to. So the ad produces a mindless jingle that sounds clever with its 'out of.../out of...' wordplay, and leaves the poor punter to do the mental arithmetic: 

<monthly salary> - <monthly payment> ⇒ 'less than I could have';  ∴  'I'm out of pocket'. 

But could isn't the same as should, so the wordplay doesn't really work if you think about it. As so often, the huckster relies on the fact that mostly punters don't think about stuff like this.

A similar near-miss struck me in the late '70s, when I first heard the album (not yet a stage show) Evita. In the song 'Don't cry for me Argentina' the lines  Dressed up to the nines/At sixes and sevens with you  don't quite work. You are 'at sixes and sevens' with a thing. You might say 'I'm at sixes and sevens with computers' or 'I'm at sixes and sevens with social stuff'; you can't be at sixes and sevens with a person...

<warning reason="neologists at work">
(or maybe you can since Tim Rice had his evil way – who knows what solecisms he held the door open for)
But the lyricist wanted a clever-clever bit of wordplay (up to the nines/at sixes and sevens) so coined a new usage.

The phrase 'out of contract' was once used almost exclusively, in British English, in sporting contexts. The British Natiional Corpus finds 22 instances of the phrase, and all but a handful are about sports (mostly football and rugby). By contrast the Corpus of Contemporary American English finds only 31, one of which is a misfire (...'walked out of contract talks'). This tally (30 in a billion-word corpus) is relatively much fewer, as COCA is ten times the size of BNC.  And only about a quarter of those deal with sports; the rest deal with screen actors, buildings, cell phones... – a much wider range of contexts than in British English.

So that Vodafone ad was adopting an American usage ...

To clarify (as  I'm usually annoyed...

 (too strong? – well at least having to control a reflex lip-curl)
... when people commenting on British English say 'This is an Americanism'. These so-called 'Americanisms' are often features of regional or historic forms of British English ('fall', 'gotten'...); in fact, somewhere (in  an Open University book that I did a Prospero on a few years ago [I didn't throw it in the sea, but I got rid of it]) I read of an eighteenth-century claim in Parliament that people should send their sons to America to learn proper English.

When I say Vodafone borrowed the phrase from America I mean that while the phrase did exist in British English (chiefly in the sporting context) the mobile phone provider (probably in an international company) knew of the American usage in the case of cell phones  and said 'I'll 'ave some of that', not being aware of the phrase's applicabilty in other contexts.

...and now I find that they're all doing it. On Saturday afternoon, looking for a provider who'd charge less than an arm and a leg for broadband, I saw that Plusnet were using exactly the same line:

Plusnet using the same line

But Vodafone may  not have been the first; they were just the first ones I noticed (and I may have noticed them only because of the ear-bleedingly awful woman who said it [and who has probably the most ubiquitous voice-over presence in the UK😖])

But that's enough; time to do a bit of note-bashing for this:

Update 2024.03.02.21:10 – Added <inline-ps />