Tuesday 13 September 2022

Plus ça change...

 ...c'est la même shows.

I've said before

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A choral singer knows he's getting on when, as for me this term, the next concert includes three choral pieces all of which he's sung before with another choir or choirs.

This time, though, they were all sung by Wokingham Choral Society.  This poster gives the details:

We sang Ein Deutsches Requiem (we sang in German at the time, and we will be singing again in German, so I'm not sure why the poster gives the English) in 2011.

<tangent type="Elitist? So bite me.">
The choir had sung it previously (in English) three times, starting in 1970, and at roughly ten year intervals; so it's due for a reprise. I wonder if they sang the Novello translation, with its 'How lovely are all thy dwellings, Lord'. To me that ALL sticks out as strangely bathetic – the sort of thing you might say to an estate agent?

I know it's needed for a strict syllable-count (the original for 'are all your' is sind deine), but  what would be wrong with 'a-are'?

Fortunately (for me, at least) this time we'll be singing Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnüngen.

We haven't sung Brahms' Schicksalslied  in a concert, but it figures in the Past Concerts section of our website because it was programmed for a concert that was cancelled because of COVID (so we did rehearse it, on Zoom – not the whole choir, but as many as could tolerate Zoom's shortcomings).

As for the Purcell, we sang it in 2017 in an all-Purcell concert. But I had sung it before with my chapel choir in my first undergraduate year.

My college was, at the time (they've since seen the light) all male – the only concession to equality of the sexes was that ladies could dine at formal  hall (but only at high table, and I was present at the first occasion for that in September 1971...
(And if any Oxbridge-savvy heckler protests that an undergraduate wouldn't have been there so early [Full Term doesn't usually start until early October], an  exception was made for people offering Modern and Medieval  Languages {don't ask😉} for Part I {I said don't ask😉}, as it was assumed that our oral proficiency would be better  after a year abroad rather than a year of lectures: so that the oral exams should happen before Full Term started.)


Incidentally, I share Jon Sopel's bewilderment, expressed in this tweet:

I'm no republican, and in fact approve of pomp and ceremony. But in the last few days there has been a distinct lack of proportion in the public reaction to the death of a remarkable and wholly admirable lady – to whom our strangely appropriate concert will be dedicated.


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